Paediatric Eye and Vision Examination

"Paediatric population" can be applied to patients in a broad age range, including all those between birth and 18yrs of age. The paediatric population can be divided into 3 subcategories:

  1. Infants and toddlers (birth to 2yrs 11 months)
  2. Preschool children (3 yrs to 5yrs 11 months)
  3. School-age children ( 6 to 18 yrs)

This is based on the developmental changes that occur from birth through childhood. The goals of the paediatric eye and vision examination include:

  1. Evaluating the functional status of the eyes and visual system with respect to each child's level of development.
  2. Assessing eye health and related systemic health issues
  3. Counsel and educating parents regarding their child’s visual, ocular and related health status, including recommendations for treatment, management and preventative care.

Early detection, and intervention is especially important in children because of the rapid development of the visual system in early childhood and the sensitivity to interference. Disorders such as amblyopia ("lazy eye") and strabismus ("squint") if undetected the long term consequences can be serious in terms of quality of life, comfort, appearance and career opportunities.

Paediatric Eye Examination